kt swizz

kt swizz

Monday, March 31, 2014

Chasing my tail

But no matter
What life we're in 
I'll always find a reason to let you in
Because I like this game 
Of cat and mouse; 
Even though 
You always win.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The man on the moon

The moon to me seems unreachable 
This can be like our potential. 
You can reach it.
It just requires you to fly higher than you ever have. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014


You ask yourself why you're hurting 
You're only a teenager how would you know?
You're immature
You have no experience 
You don't have a say in life 
You're opinion doesn't matter
You don't matter....
Well I'm here to tell you something 

You matter 
Everything you say matters
High school matters 


It's scary to talk about because it's the unknown. 
Sure we have religion that teaches us people that preach to us but does that really matter? 
Does watching someone you love die matter? 
Does your pain matter... 
Does the pain swell up you might just explode with all this rage and frustration that you forget why you're here and you make an ending to what should be a beginning? 
Watch what you say..
There's a reason for the life were all living and that reason is to learn and grow.
Not to tear others down and go. 
Be remembered. 
Do something that will make you remembered. 
Go down in history for something you're proud of not ashamed of.

Someone is always watching 
Making sure that you're okay 
So please just go along with your day. 
Death means leaving but I hope you'll stay.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Losing yourself

Everything you thought you knew.
You can't believe it. 
You won't believe it.
Just... Gone.
Where'd it go? 
Your ability to feel. 
Numb to emotion. 
Numb to pain. 
Why does it consume us?
Why are we so afraid of happiness? 
Happiness and I have some trust issues..
We try to compromise but nothing happens... 
Still lost.
Trying to make my way back to something real. 
Wanting to regain that ability to feel... 
I thought we had a deal?
Happiness please stay and the sadness was real... 
All I can think to do is neal. 
Ask for comfort, 
Ask for peace. 
Give me something to live for at least.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Can the sun reach the dark side of the moon? 
Can the light penetrate the darkness? 
Guide me to the light. 
I'm on the dark side, 
I hide. 
Waiting for something bright.
Something so light. 
Help me know what warm feels like. 
You sure you want to come in? 
It's dark in here. 
There's no need to fear. 
The light will help your fears. 
One touch. 
Overwhelmed with feelings of joy. 
Don't leave. 
It's cold here. 
Warm my heart.
Warm my soul. 
Don't tear me apart. 
The sun is meant to shine. 
Come sit in the dark and let it out.
One kiss one touch. 
Show me how to feel.
Give me something to care about. 
Give me light and their will be happiness... No doubt.

What's your problem.
Think its worse than someone else?
Think again.
Someone has it worse than you.
Someone wishes to be you.
Yet why do we feel so bad for ourselves?
Why do the littlest things get us down?
Why can't we just live a good life?
It's good
It's bad
Why does this happen to me
not her
not him
I'm a good person
I try my best
but still it's
my thoughts my peers all at once
they say I'm not good enough
but I have something nobody has.
I am me.
I wouldn't wanna change that for anything.
but I do
but I don't
what do I want?
I wish I knew.
me knows what it wants
but not what it needs.

In a deep dark hole there lies a girl just like you.
She sits there wondering what to do.
She looks up to the sky asking why.
She felt like she would rather die.
She tried counting to 3.
but the hole got deeper and deeper,
she couldn't breath.
She begged for mercy up above,
Praying that she'd feel some love.
She got a visit from a dove.
Turns out it was Christ from up above.
He told her that if she wanted to,
she could be up their with him up their to.
She climbed the sides without fear,
knowing she was getting near
A place she could soon call home,
and would never shed another tear.

Fear not for he is here, to wipe away all your tears.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

What's going on in that beautiful mind?

People sit on the surface.

Nobody wants to dive in.

There is something beyond the shore.

Just a beautiful mind I wish to explore.

 Don't be afraid to explore.

Explore that beautiful mind beyond the shore.

Dig a little deeper in the sand.

Don't be afraid to just dive right in.
It's a little scary but you won't be disappointed.
What you see isn't what you get.
We see what we want to see.
Maybe what we want to see isn't what we need to see.
Beauty is in everyone.
The deeper you go, the darker it gets.
Its up to you to define what beauty is.
So take a journey.
Into that beautiful mind.

Sleep. Where alot more happens than just sleep.

me: I'm so tired, i could collapse into bed and sleep for a year..
  • me: gets in bed
  • me: how was earth created
  • me: who made microwaves
  • me: how does the internet even work
  • me: I'm hungry
  • me: feels bad about something i did 4 years ago
  • me: remembers 73 unfinished tasks
  • me: too tired to sleep
    Why do we ask ourselves these stupid questions?
    Sleeping is where I think and over think the most.
    I ask myself what I could do better what I need to fix.
    I yearn for a deeper connection and understanding people.
    I think about all of this while sleeping.
    Think I'm wasting my life away by sleeping?
    Think again.
    I learn more by sleeping then I do anything else.
    about myself and about the things around me.

    Why are we writing about bricks?

    Alright. So what do I see bricks as? Bricks are just little stone like rectangular cubish things. You can throw them at people and build stuff. cool right?
    Me on the other hand like to see the symbolism in everything.
    There is a lesson to be learned with everything on this earth.
    So bricks.
    I see them as things that hold things together.
    Alone they are nothing but together they are a strong foundation.

    Think of bricks as friends or family.

    They are there to lift you up.

    They keep you grounded.

    You are literally stuck with them.