kt swizz

kt swizz

Sunday, March 16, 2014


You ask yourself why you're hurting 
You're only a teenager how would you know?
You're immature
You have no experience 
You don't have a say in life 
You're opinion doesn't matter
You don't matter....
Well I'm here to tell you something 

You matter 
Everything you say matters
High school matters 


It's scary to talk about because it's the unknown. 
Sure we have religion that teaches us people that preach to us but does that really matter? 
Does watching someone you love die matter? 
Does your pain matter... 
Does the pain swell up you might just explode with all this rage and frustration that you forget why you're here and you make an ending to what should be a beginning? 
Watch what you say..
There's a reason for the life were all living and that reason is to learn and grow.
Not to tear others down and go. 
Be remembered. 
Do something that will make you remembered. 
Go down in history for something you're proud of not ashamed of.

Someone is always watching 
Making sure that you're okay 
So please just go along with your day. 
Death means leaving but I hope you'll stay.

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